29. Epilepsy and Mom Guilt with Wendy Franz


In 2010, Wendy Franz’s daughter, Jordan, had her first seizure. That day changed Wendy’s life forever. On this episode, Wendy chats to us in detail about that morning and the many years to come as her daughter lives a life with epilepsy. 

Today, Wendy is an advocate for people living with epilepsy, speaking to senators, working on legislation, and raising awareness. Wendy is also a mom of 3, including Jordan, runs two successful businesses and works full time as an Administrative Associate for Springfield College.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Epilepsy and seizures

  • Brain surgery

  • Being a caretaker of a sick child

  • Mom guilt

Podcast Resources:

Fiverr Affiliate Link: HERE 

Connect with Wendy Franz:

Website: www.seizing4acure.com

Facebook: Jordan's Brain Surgery Journey

Instagram: @wendysteatime

Connect with Jenelle Tremblett: HERE

Connect with the Podcast: HERE

Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.


30. Narcissists and Chronic Illnesses with Eva Vennari


28. Coming Out Gay At 33 with Nancy Shadlock